The LMG is engaging with local employers through the Employer One Survey initiated by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD). The survey provides an important opportunity to gather comprehensive and detailed workforce data from every range of industry within Renfrew and Lanark Counties. The survey serves as a vehicle for the employer community to express their needs on a range of HR issues, such as labour turnover, hard to fill positions, recruitment difficulties, current and future skills shortages, as well as issues in training and education practices. 

The results of the Employer One Survey are intended to provide a better understanding of employer occupational and skills requirements to inform job search and employment decision making. Additionally, the results of the survey can inform professional development and training courses that directly relate to the local labour market demand as identified by employers.

Employer One Survey 2022

This year’s survey was conducted during an eight-week period between January 4th, 2022, and February 25th, 2022. The data collected through the survey is reflective of the preceding year (2021) for the census divisions of the County of Renfrew and Lanark County. It is important to note that during the period of the EmployerOne Survey, there were continued COVID mandates including restrictions and shutdowns, that occurred from January 3 to February 17, 2022. Business and school closures and restrictions may have prevented some employers from being able to participate in the survey and also may have had an influence on how participating employers responded to some questions in the survey.

2022 EmployerOne Survey Renfrew and Lanark Counties

Employer One Survey 2020-2021

The 2020-2021 Employer One survey looked a little different than previous years. We have joined a collaborative effort with the other Workforce Development Boards in Eastern Ontario to launch a common survey. The survey itself launched on January 4th, 2021 and closed on February 26th, 2021. There were a total of one hundred and eighty-seven (187) responses from local employers across Renfrew and Lanark Counties. 

Local Reports on Renfrew and Lanark Counties:

Eastern Ontario Regional Reports:

Employer One Survey Results 2019-2020

After viewing the 2020 Employer One Results, please take this short survey to give us your feedback.

Employer One Survey Results 2018-2019

Please take this brief survey to provide feedback on the 2018/2019 Employer One Survey Results Report.

Employer One Survey Results 2017-2018

 Please take this brief survey to provide feedback on the 2017/2018 Employer One Survey Results Report.

Employer One Survey Results 2016-2017

 Please take this brief survey to provide feedback on the 2016/2017 Employer One Survey Results Report.

Employer One Survey Results 2015-2016